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Monday, October 13, 2008

New York Talks About J-Hud and Punk's Engagement

Here’s what Tiffany “New York” Pollard had to say when she heard that David “Punk” Otenga, the dude she rejected in I Love NY 2, was engaged to former American Idol and Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson:
. “He’s really loving being Mr. Jennifer Hudson. I think he’s loving the lavish things she brings to his life, he’s seeing the world due to Jennifer’s success,” Tiffany tells In Touch. “[But] can you love this person if they lose all of this tomorrow? She needs to find out. I just hope people are marrying each other for the right reasons.” New York’s not optimistic about the couple’s future. “It’s a mixed match, it won’t work,” she says. “He’ll be in her shadow like Al Reynolds was to Star Jones, like Stedman Graham is to Oprah.” There’s also a good reason David wasn’t the right match for Tiffany on I Love New York 2. “When we were in Miami together, he didn’t even try anything [on me]!” she says. “Maybe I wasn’t his type, maybe I wasn’t big enough for him.” “His heart is way big. Two weeks ago, I ran into [Jennifer and David] and I didn’t say much,” reveals Tiffany. “I said ‘Goodbye, Punk!’ and she looked at me like ‘What!’ I know his name’s David, but I call him Punk.” Source
HA! Her words are harsh as hell but spot on if you ask me. Damn. Good luck with that J-Hud.

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