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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Brit Post

Brit's upset about body comments...
Brit is reportedly really upset about critic’s comments abut her body. "Britney has been upset by some of the negative feedback she's been getting," a source said. "She's worked so hard on her figure and her fitness. "She thought she was an unstoppable force, but now it's dawning on her that she's not as revered as she once was, which is causing her upset. "She feels she's put a heck of a lot of effort into the tour. It's devastating for her to hear the criticisms. We just hope she doesn't take it too much to heart."
Um, if you ask me, she looks great. Eff em brit!

Brit had a romp in the stalls with a dancer...
After Brit’s Montreal show she went to an after party with her dancers and a fan saw her doing ‘something’ with a dancer in a bathroom stall.
The fan says, , "I went to brits show the other night and totally amazed at how well put it was. So I went to this afterparty at this club called Tribe. Paid 200 bucks to get in and hang in VIP. Brit was in the house. Her and her crew of about ten were in a corner booth. It was really crowded. Brit got up and danced when the DJ played 'Slave 4 U'. "When she got ready to sit back down there were no seats so she sat on this cute dancers lap. After a while of whispering back and forth they kissed a little. About 20 min after that they went to the bathroom...TOGETHER...2 big guys stood by the door and wouldnt let abybody in. They all of a sudden 7 or 9 minutes later brit and the guy came out. CRAZY!!!" Source
I guess she’s getting her groove back, but damn…a bathroom? Yuck!

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