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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Updates 62-63: Chris Brown Arrested

Update 62:

Chris Brown was picture at a tattoo spot the other day with this chick who is believed to be either Natalie Mejia from the Pussycat Dolls Group, Girliscious, or Chris’s ex girlfriend Erica Jactkson

Natalie Majia

However, Chris’s spokesman denies that the woman was Erica…or that Chris knew her at all.

"He did go to a tattoo parlor with someone from the studio named Dean. There was a woman there who was a friend of Dean. There is no truth to this at all. Chris does not know the woman nor does he know the name of the woman." Source

Hmm, she doesn’t necessarily look like Natalie, and since they weren’t hugged up or anything, who’s to say this is his new side piece?

Update 63:

Katy Perry is downplaying her relationship with Rihanna after the media said the two were best friends following Rih and Chris’s fight.

However Katy says, "We've hung out a couple times...Of course I consider her a friend, but it's not like 'I'm there,' making a big deal of it, because I feel weird about that type of stuff. Um, you know, we're just buddies. We've had dinner, and that's about it."
She adds, "We're friends and we're both kind of on this crazy rollercoaster, and... it's nice to have good girlfriends. I pride myself on having cool chicks in my life, and she's a cool chick." Source

I wonder if she’s really trying to set the record straight or just trying to distance herself from the situation.

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