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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Heidi and Seal Renew Their Vows in White Trash Wedding...Lord

Seal and Heidi renew their vows every year and this year they originally planned on doing so in Mexico. However, with the whole swine flu thingie, they had to reschedule. They moved the celebration to Malibu, where they had some crazy/tacky/gaudy party. Seal wore a mullet wig and an Andrew Dice Clay-esque leather American flag jacket and Heidi had cornrows and wore lots of lace, glitter and tule.Pink flamingos and colored light bulbs decorated the tent. "We're going to get married again, so this is going to be the fourth time, our fourth anniversary. You know what my wife's like...she's always got some trick up her sleeve, but it's going to be a good get-together, you know, lots of friends," Seal said while visiting Oprah on Friday. Source
These two…as ridiculous as they are it seems to work. So congrats and carry on.

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Anonymous cheap jordan shoes said...

Those folks there got enough nerves to demand she live up to her end of the contract and not grant interviews without their permission while they have been going out there trashing her.

5:04 AM  

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