Man-Reka Fights with Blogger on Twitter
“Blogger”@tamekaraymond Your friends have been dropping hints about U and Usher all along. Umm, why isn’t your husband following you on Twitter?
TamekaRaymondRT @nanwatsie: @TamekaRaymond u always sound in a good mood (I’m NOT! but I don’t stay mad at ANYthing for long life is TOO short)
TamekaRaymond: Ok..taking a nap. So I’ve been told. Lol~ twit soon ;0)
“Blogger”@tamekaraymond So what if that girl is a product manager? Weren’t you Usher’s stylist? And weren’t u a married woman at the time?
TamekaRaymond@”Blogger” youre a angry woman I dont know y or who hurt u, but it wasnt me. I will pray for you. Im happy & life is GOOD for me! Enjoy urs
TamekaRaymond: now that my nap has been put on delay..let me DELETE so that im not sending my good followers over to Follow foolery ;~) its easy 2 do trust
“Blogger”@TamekaRaymond So they have a Justin’s in Santa Monica now? Who knew?
“Blogger”@TamekaRaymond Why would your husband fly Justin’s product manager to the west coast as opposed to you, his wife?
TamekaRaymond: this ish is like feeding a kid candy…… we love drama…no maaam not on my dime!
“Blogger”@TamekaRaymond Silly me for not listening to YOUR friends, lol. They TRIED to tell me the truth, but u know how hard headed I am.
“Blogger”@TamekaRaymond Checking to see if there’s a rule that says a product manager can’t creep with a married man while his wife sits on Twitter
TamekaRaymond: she is ugly, mad cuz she has NO man, cant find a good woman, sh**s all bad!!! I’d be salty nuts too…yall sing Kum ba Ya.. for
TamekaRaymondRT @shea10149 Brush @”Blogger” off. She’s mad cuz she old, ugly, and looks like a burnt cigarette. We go elsewhere for our gossip anyway. Source
When will silly women learn to ignore this type of ish? If you are confident in your man’s love for you then instead of going back and forth with haters you’ll say something like “Be blessed” and keep it movin. I did, and ain’t heard from that simple girl since.
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Labels: Tameka Foster, Usher Raymond
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