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Thursday, July 09, 2009

Michael Jackson 1958-2009

1. Michael Jackson dies of cardiac arrest. Source
2. Stars react to Michael’s death. Source
3. Mike’s doc missing and wanted for questioning. Source
4. The Game, Chris Brown and Diddy join up for MJ tribute. Source
5. Michael’s Doctor quits his practice. Source
6. Debbie Rowe may get custody of her children with Michael. Source
7. Michael’s autopsy results revealed. Source
8. 911 call details revealed. Source
9. How Michael’s children found out about his death. Source
10. BET Awards 2009 Honor Michael Jackson; Joe and Janet Jackson in attendance. Source
11. Pres. Obama offers his condolences to the Jackson family. Source
12. Neverland could become a shrine. Source
13. Michael’s financials come to light. Source
14. Investigators entered his home to look for clues. Source
15. Mike’s tour rehearsals will probably be released on DVD. Source
16. Ticket holders will receive refund or keep stubs a souvenirs. Source
17. Joe Jackson cut out of Mike’s will.. Source
18. MJ’s children aren’t biologically his. Source
19. Several people commit suicide because of Michael’s death. Source / Source
20. Michael to be possibly displayed in glass coffin. Source
21. Michael’s doctor didn’t call for help because he didn’t know the address. Source
22. Michael will visit Neverland one last time.Source
23. Michael’s dermatologist is wanted for questioning. Source
24. Propofol Diprivan found at Michael’s home. Source
25. Quincy Jones won’t attend MJ’s funeral.Source
26. Michael’s funeral moved. Source
27. Jermaine Jackson talks about his brother on The Today Show.
27. Quincy Jones talks about whether or not Michael wanted to be white.
28. The LAPD didn’t secure the scene at his home after he died. Source
29. Details about Michael’s memorial service…ticket info. Source
30. Footage of Michael’s last performance.
31. Michael’s doctor won’t be at the memorial.
32. ‘This Is It’ costumers will design Michael’s burial suit. Source
33. Crazy fanatic wants the kids and estate. Source
34. MJ had a malignant lesion removed from his nose just days before his death. Source
35. Michael was planning a duet with son Prince. Source
36. Michael was working on two albums at the time of his death. Source
37. Johnny Depp to play MJ in a biopic. Source
38. Debbie Rowe wants the kids. Source.
39. Michael’s memorabila to be displayed at Neverland.

40. Ticket holders scalping tix to the memorial.
More Details…
Sellers used Craigslist and eBay to put tickets on sale for Michael Jackson’s memorial. Some tickets were selling for tens of thousands of dollars.Both sites worked to remove the postings from their site.
"You people trying to sell these tickets should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves," said a Craigslist user in a post Monday morning. "Please flag all of these money-grabbing opportunists ... if you're a true MJ fan you won't give money to these parasites." Source
People NEVER turn down an opportunity to make some money. It’s inappropriate and wrong but it’s a fact.

41. There has been no contact between Debbie Rowe and the Jackson family.
More Details… Debbie, who was Michael’s first wife and the mother of his two oldest children, hasn’t spoken to the Jackson’s since Michael died. She tried to contact them but has yet to get through
Former Jackson business associate Marc Schaffel said: "There has been outreach, unfortunately, like so many cases, there's so much going on that they just have not been able to make contact. There were several tries, just for the fact of phone numbers that had changed, you know, answering machines that were full. Contact had not been able to happen prior."
They’ll be able to see her in court. She’s reportedly going to try to vie for custody of Michael’s children.
42. A second will has surfaced.
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There is another will, drawn up in 1997 (5 years before his final will), that has surfaced. A Los Angeles probate judge has ruled that his 2002 will is valid as it’s the most recent will to be signed by him. Source
I’d be curious to see how the two wills differ.

43. Stars to perform and speak at memorial confirmed.
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It has been confirmed that Mariah Carey, Usher, Jennifer Hudson, Lionel Richie, Barry Gordy, Magic Johnson, Queen Latifah, and many others will either perform or speak at the event. Source

44. MJ to be laid t rest in $25K casket.
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According to TMZ and Angry Ape, Michael will be buried in a $25,000 gold plated casket very similar to the one that James Brown was buried in. The casket is called Promethean and is lined wit blue velvet.
What a way to ride to glory…in style…in style indeed.

45. Michael’s body to be at the Staples Center.
More Details... The Jackson’s met on Monday night at Forrest Lawn Cemetery, which will be Michael’s final resting place. It is believed they were there for a private viewing. Then before the Staples Center Memorial, his casket was loaded onto a hearse and driven to the center to be put on display while friends and family paid tribute to him.

46. Pics and quotes from MJ’s memorial.
More Details… Michael’s friends, family and fans said goodbye to him during a memorial held at the Staples Center on Tuesday July 7th. I was at work watching on television as countless others watched either on tv or via live streams. There were several big names who either spoke or performed in honor of their lost friend. The memorial opened with a choir singing as Michael’s body was wheeled in by his brothers all wearing one glove in honor of him.
Here's a list of comments from celebs today, as reported by the AP:
"I just wanted to say, ever since I was born, daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine! I just wanted to say I love him so much." — Jackson's daughter, Paris, who broke down in tears.
I cried right along with her.
"Michael, when you left us, a part of me went with you. ... I will treasure the good times, singing, dancing, laughing. ... We will never understand what he endured ... being judged, ridiculed. How much pain can one take? Maybe, now, Michael, they will leave you alone." — Marlon Jackson.
"Michael always knew he could count on me to support him or be his date. ... We had a bond and maybe it was because we both understood what it was like to be in the spotlight from a very, very young age. I used to tease him and say, `I started when I was 11 months old. You're a slacker. You were like 5?' Both of us needed to be adults very early, but when we were together, we were two little kids having fun. ... M.J.'s laugh was the sweetest and purest of anyone I've known." — Brooke Shields."He created a comfort level, where people that felt they were separate became interconnected with his music. ... Those young kids grew up from being teenage, comfortable fans of Michael's to being 40 years old and being comfortable to vote for a person of color to be the president of the United States of America. Michael did that. Michael made us love each other. Michael taught us to stand with each other." — The Rev. Al Sharpton. "This is a moment that I wish that I didn't live to see come. But as much as I can say that and mean it, I do know that God is good and I do know that as much as we may feel — and we do — that we need Michael here with us, God must have needed him far more." — Stevie Wonder.
He performed “I Never Dreamed You’d Leave in Summer. "I'm here representing millions of fans around the world who grew up listening to Michael, being inspired and loving Michael from a distance. ... Somehow when Michael Jackson sang and when he danced ... we felt he was right there. ... He made you believe in yourself." — Queen Latifah. "When he did his iconic moonwalk, I was shocked. It was magic. Michael Jackson went into orbit and never came down. Though it ended way too soon, Michael's life was beautiful." — Motown Records founder Berry Gordy. "Michael was a personal love of mine. A treasured part of my world ... " — Smokey Robinson, reading a note from longtime Jackson friend Diana Ross at Tuesday's memorial service in Los Angeles.
"You don't think you'll live to see them gone. ... He is going to live forever and ever and ever and ever." — Smokey Robinson. "We miss you, Michael." — Mariah Carey, after singing "I'll Be There" at Jackson's memorial service.
"There are certain people in our popular culture that just capture people's imaginations. And in death, they become even larger. Now, I have to admit that it's also fed by a 24/7 media that is insatiable." — President Barack Obama, who was asked about the outpouring of emotion related to Michael Jackson's death during an interview with CBS while he was in Moscow. "They're holding up well in part because they're a strong family ... a big family, religiously devout family. Therefore, they have a sense of insulation of their faith." — The Rev. Jesse Jackson, on how Michael Jackson's family is coping. Jennifer Hudson-“Will You Be There?”
Performers from Michael’s tour and many of his friends and family stood together to perform “We Are the World” and “Heal the World."
Usher-"Gone Too Soon"
He chose to come down from the stage to sing directly to the casket.
Lionel Richie-“Jesus is Love”John Meyer-“Human Nature” (Acoustic)Shaheen Jafargholi-“Who’s Loving You”
Shaheen became a sensation on Britain’s Got Talent when he performed this song. After Michael heard about it he invited him to perform with him on his ‘This is It’ tour. Jermaine Jackson-“Smile”(Michael’s favorite song).
I don’t know how many of you watched the memorial but I watched and was truly touched. Just seeing how everyone was so affected by his death made me personally sad.

47. Jackson family shoked that Diana Ross didn’t attend.
More Details… The Jacksons were supposedly surprised and stunned that Diana Ross, MJ’s close friend didn’t show up for his memorial. Diana had been named as a backup guardian to his three children.
In her defense Diana said it just felt "right" not to attend but “When Smokey read out Diana’s letter, there were a lot of people’s heads turning and shrugging in those front rows,” said a source.
The letter that Smokey was asked to read said, "I am trying to find closure, I want you to know that even though I am not there at the Staples Center, I am there in my heart. I have decided to pause and be silent. This feels right for me. Michael was a personal love of mine, a treasured part of my world, part of the fabric of my life in a way that I can't seem to find words to express.
"Michael wanted me to be there for his children, and I will be there if ever they need me. I hope today brings closure for all those who loved him. Thank you Katherine and Joe for sharing your son with the world and with me, I send my love and condolences to the Jackson family." Source
Diana wasn’t the only close friend to not attend. Elizabeth Taylor tweeted that she didn’t want to be a part of the ‘hoopla’. I don’t really blame them. They were extremely close to MJ and chose to grieve in their own way. It’s not for us to judge.

48. MJ’s final resting place is still in question.
More Details… It had been previously confirmed that Michael would be laid to rest in Neverland Ranch…then later at Forest Lawn Memorial Park. But apparently that’s still lseft up to question. The newly-released death certificate lists Forest Lawn as a "temporary" site for the body, and reports suggest a final resting place is unknown. Jermaine says he’ll be buried on the grounds of Neverland.
Jermaine said, "I love it here because I feel him here... This is his home, this is his creation. Why wouldn't he be here? I feel his presence. It's like he's on tour somewhere, or just out somewhere, and it will always be like that. I want my mother to come back here and feel what I feel, my brothers, my sisters... because it is
I think that would be the most fitting tribute to him…being laid to rest in the amusement park he built.

49. Jackson’s under fire for letting Paris speak at memorial.
More Details… Child psychologists are upset with the Jackson family for letting Paris talk at her father’s memorial.
She spoke on stage saying, "Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine and I just wanted to say I love him so much." She then collapsed in tears into her Aunt Janet Jackson's arms.
Psychologist Linda Blair disagrees with the decision, "To be thrust into the limelight as Paris was is potentially very traumatic. This is a girl who has been shielded from the media her whole life. When a child is in shock, as Paris still will be from her father's death, the most important thing is to keep everything as normal as possible. But the opposite has happened here."
"The world has rarely seen Paris' face and has never heard her talk. But here she was making a speech to billions of people across the world. She is completely unused to speaking on stage. But here she was speaking on the biggest stage possible." "In times like this logic goes out the window, so you can't blame the family for letting her do it. But they certainly made a bad judgment." Source
I’m not a psychologist and I don’t know the family. HOWEVER, I do believe that it’s important for children of any age to be allowed to express their feelings about death (especially when it comes to a parent) in anyway they see fit. Paris wanted the world to know how she felt about her ‘daddy’ and I’m glad she was able to communicate the human side of him to us all.

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