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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Rihanna on Verge of Breakdown?

The word on the street is that Rihanna is on the verge of a breakdown over her relationship ending with Chris Brown.
A source tells Now magazine, It’s so hard for her. She knows her family would freak out if she told them she wants to get on with Chris, so she has to hide her feelings.”
Adding, “She’s been a nervous wreck for weeks as she was so terrified that Chris would hate her after she testified. When she starts crying, she has to pretend that she’s been having flashbacks to the attacks. But it isn’t that. It’s because she misses him and can’t believe it came to this after everything they had going. She’s mad with him, but at the same time she blames herself.”
“She couldn’t eat in the days before the trial. Her stomach was in knots and she was shaking. Whenever I see her out, she always has a drink in her hand–mostly champagne, but sometimes beer or shots. She’s in pain and is trying to numb it out to the best of her ability.” Source
I think she tried to show she was OK to quickly. Take some time to lose yourself in a dark room in your apartment. Listen to sad songs, look at old movies and lay in the bed for a good few months…theeeeen make your comeback.

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