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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Update: Gary Dourdan Gets Thrown in the Clink

Gary Dourdan has spoken out regarding his drug related arrest last week. He said to Access Hollywood that when he was arrested he was sleeping off a buzz in his car and that the drugs weren’t his. "I am blessed that the Sgt. realized that the luggage carrying whatever they found was not mine and that my tests have been coming back negative. I've been happy to cooperate in any way to clear myself and go on with my blessed life. I am planning events to get the word out that you don’t need a bunch of nasty chemicals to have a good time. Just good friends, family, good music and a good honest spirit full of faith." Source
Yous a lie and a wink and yo booty stink! That slick green eyed devil is oozing in nasty chemicals. What did he say next? “Just say no!” “Hugs not drugs!” “Glory be to God!” SMH.

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