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Friday, November 14, 2008


OK! Features the Obamas...
According to an article in OK! magazine the Obama’s are taking their impending move to the White House in stride.
"We try to keep things really normal," Michelle tells the magazine in an interview.
They look like the all American family. Barack will not only be the president of the united states but he’ll continue to be daddy to Malia, 10 and Sasha, 7, which includes after school activities, homework, and special fun things they only share with dad.
In a recent issue of Us Weekly Barack was quoted as saying,
"I think I'm a pretty cool dad.” Source

Florida Business Puts up Offensive Sign… The sign hanging outside of Good Guys Auto last week read, “From the ghetto to the White House! Whats next a book or a movie?” The NAACP of Florida is calling the marquee "horrific" and "insensitive."
"That's like racist right there," one resident told local news station WFTV.
"Why do they feel like they have the right to just put it out there? There's kids that come by here. There's a high school," another person said.
When reporters approached owners they wouldn’t comment but later sent out a black employee to say his boss isn’t a racist.
"Me being a black guy, a black guy can be president, a black guy can put a thing up on a sign, he can do whatever he wants," the man said. Source

J-Hud Hasn’t Been Invited to Perform at Inauguration… "An inauguration committee hasn't even been formed yet," Obama’s transition official, Nick Shapiro said, adding that it was too early to speculate on who may play the event. Source
That doesn’t mean an offer still won’t go out. With Jennifer being a Chicago resident and already performing at the DNC, it would name sense for her to be asked. The question is, if asked, will she be able to come out of seclusion and be emotionally strong enough to accept.

Obama’s Hiring…
According to TMZ he has 63 questions to ask candidates. He wants to know things like if they’ve been accused of sexual harassment, had any arrests, been late in child support, or ever sent embarrassing emails. Source
I like those interview questions. They’re more straight forward than, “Tell me about a problem you’ve experienced in your previous position, how you handled it, and what you learned from the experience.”

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