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Friday, February 20, 2009

Update1 - Pavilioni Apartments Review: DON'T MOVE THERE!

To further my takedown of Pavilion Apartments…my current apartment complex, I’m going to tell you guys my horror stories post by post.
Let’s start with the maintenance issues:
After living in the Pavilion for a few weeks I noticed that my tub would fill up with water very easily. I take showers and not baths so there’s no reason for a huge drainage issues. However, whenever I’d take a shower the tub would fill up so much that my body was taking a shower and my feet, ankles and calves were taking a bath. After calling the leasing office to have this problem fixed several times, I resorted to scooping out the dirty water with a cup in order to take a decent shower. This went on for at least two weeks until maintenance finally came to fix my tub. The drainage problem occurred fairly often over my first few months in the apartment, so much so that the lining in the tub began to peel from exposure to water.
I don’t know if you’ve ever encountered this but a peeling tub lining can become VERY sharp. My feet were getting cut on the lining so I called SEVERAL times to have the lining fixed/replaced. Maintenance showed up to fix the problem but instead of remedying it they just ripped up the lining…I”ve been here three years and it was never fixed.
Speaking of having the maintenance men fix things without me in the apartment, on one of the occasions that I called to have my tub plunged/snaked, I returned to my apartment to find my medicine cabinet open, my Band-Aid box out, and band aides strewn about the bathroom. I also saw a hole in the bathroom wall. I don’t know WHAT they were doing in there but they damaged the wall and used my property to remedy whatever injuries they incurred. Also, on two other occasions I returned to my apartment to find that certain items had been moved or touched. I’m a victim of OCD so I know exactly where everything is in my apartment. I also know what channel I leave my television on every day and have found it on premium channels when I had it on broadcast channels.
I’ve called to have my kitchen sink fixed. The pipes leak and drip water and silt onto my pots and pans under the sink. I’ve gotten tickets saying that the issue was fixed yet the leakage problem continues to exist. On Saturdays (this has been occurring for the past year or so), an exterminator will visit the complex to spray for any rodents or bugs. I’ve seen both roaches and mice in my apartment. The outside contractors have been very nice to come in and spray and cover holes for the roaches but when it comes to the mice they’ve told me that they are instructed to only give the residents sticky traps.
Mice are smart as hell and they avoid these traps. When I asked if they could take any further action they told me that I would have to pay extra for that.
Finally, the closets that I have, have doors that hang from a track. The doors are old as are the tracks and the doors fall off the tracks very easily. I’ve had the doors fall down on me and guests, some of which are children. When I’ve called to have them replaced with new ones my calls fell on deaf ears. These doors are extremely heavy and when one comes down on your toes it hurts like hell. That’s all for this post. FYI the address to the apt complex is:
Pavilion Apartments
351-381 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07104
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