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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Case Talks About His Comeback

Here’s something I didn’t know. 90s two hit wonder, Case shot himself in the neck back in ’02.
He talks about dropping off the face of the earth, and the horrible accident that could have rendered him speechless.
“It was a lot of stuff that went on. Originally I was going to take time off to spend time with the family; with the kids, and moved down to Atlanta to be closer to them. During that time I had started working on the album, doing little things here and there just trying to put all the pieces together.”
“Then, I had an accident in ’02,” he continued, “where I accidentally shot myself in the throat, so that put things on home for a minute.”
He was moving the gun so his kids wouldn’t find it and the hair trigger went off.
“After I came-to, the first thing I did was try to sing,” Case said. “That’s all I was really concerned about at that time.”
Then he tried negotiating a new contract with Def Jam but that went sour as well.
“I recorded a couple more songs with them and then we started to have too many problems,” he described. “I saw the writing on the wall, so I decided to leave Def Jam. As you know, that’s not an easy thing to do – all the legal wrangling. But once we got that situation taken care of, I had to figure out what the next move was going to be and I wasn’t sure if that was to go to another major label or go independent. I wasn’t quite sure exactly what I was going to do.”
But after six years he’s ready to start again and plans to release an indie album.
“I have an alter ego, Blaxel Rose – the black Axel Rose [of the rock band Guns-N-Roses. He’s a little wilder than I may generally be. I wanted to have a little more fun and make the music sound lighter on this album and that’s more so a reflection on the other side of my personality.”
“It’s just like hip-hop; it’s a way of life. I am a fan of rock music; I listen to it all the time. But it’s more so a persona. I’m not one to pigeon-hole myself. In order to that, I have to show all sides of my personality. No one thing defines who I am.” Source
I’m still stuck on him shooting himself in the trote! Is there ever a reason (unless you’re trying to kill yourself) for a gun to be pointed at or near your vital organs? ME TINK NOT!

Thanks Sheri!
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