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Monday, April 06, 2009

Plaxico Gets Cut

Plaxico has officially been released from the New York Giants. He’s facing gun charges stemming for man incident last November when he accidentally shot himself with an unlicensed gun…and incident which could land him in jail for 3 ½ years.

In addition to being released he still faces NFL sanctions for violating their personal conduct policy.

"I am an optimist, and I believe most situations can be worked out," general manager Jerry Reese told the AP in announcing the decision. "We hung in there as long as we could in hopes that there could be a resolution to this situation other than the decision we made today to release Plaxico."

"Plaxico's contribution to our championship season in 2007 can never be underestimated or undervalued," Coach Tom Coughlin said. "He displayed tremendous determination throughout that season. Having said that, I have always been as concerned about Plaxico as a man as I have been about him as a player, and my hope is that everything that has happened over the past several months represents a turning point.

"He is a young man with a family who has a whole lifetime ahead of him, and I personally wish him and his family well," he continued. Source

People don’t realize how every decision we make (especially dumb ass ones like carrying around an unlicensed gun to the club) can profoundly affect our lives.

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