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Friday, April 17, 2009

Tori Just Forgets to Eat

Tori gained 40 pounds while pregnant with her second child, Stella. Since giving birth she’s lost the weight…and then some, fueling rumors that she has an eating disorder. But Tori insists that she’s not anorexic.

“Oh my God, I’m not anorexic,” she told PEOPLE. “I acknowledge that I look thin in photos. I get it.”

“Obviously I don’t want to lose any more weight, ” she says. “But people haven’t seen me not pregnant in two and a half years. I’m eating healthy, I just have a crazy lifestyle.”

“I’m so blessed to have as many jobs that I have, but I do agree that there needs to be some downtime,” she says of her hectic schedule that can leave little time for proper meals… I’m the first to admit that sometimes I don’t have the time to sit down for a well-balanced meal. Usually like you kind of just finish whatever your child doesn’t eat. I’m like, ‘Cool, you have a few pieces of hot dog left and one broccoli floret and a fry, I’ll take it.’ ”

“I want to be a positive role-model for my daughter,” she says. “The last thing I want to put out there is that it’s acceptable to be too thin or have an eating disorder because you’re in Hollywood. I have two kids that I need to be healthy for because they need their mom.” Source

I get it Tori, you’re busy. But for someone with a head like that, you know better than to get to skinny. Knock it off and eat a sandwich…you’re scaring the babies.

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