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Monday, April 06, 2009

Wuchu In For? '09

1. Charles Barkley-DUI. Source

2. Antoine Walker-DUI. Source

3. Rocko-Assault. Source

4. Jason Caffey-Refusal to pay child support. Source

5. Bounty Killer-Traffic violations.

6. Chris Brown-Assualt with a deadly weapon. Source

7. Jamal Anderson-Cocaine possession. Source

8. Jermaine Jakes (Bishop T.D. Jakes’ stepson)-Indecent Exposure Source

9. Marshawn Lynch-Weapons charges Source

10. Tony Rock-DUI Source

11. Luther Campbell (Uncle Luke)-Failure to pay child support. Source

12. Coolio-Possession of crack cocaine.

13. Bebe Winans-Domestic assault. Source

14. Howard K. Stern-Conspiracy to furnish drugs. Source

15. Andre 3000-Speeding. Source

16. Donte Stallworth-DUI manslaughter.

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Donte Stallworth, WR for the Cleveland Browns, has been charged with DUI manslaughter in connection with a car accident where he hit and killed a pedestrian.

Donte hit a man named Mario Reyes in Miami while Mario was trying to catch a bus to work. Reyes shouldn’t have been crossing a highway, Stallworth shouldn’t have been driving with a blood alcohol level of .126. If he’s convicted he faces up to 15 years in prison.

Donte released a statement saying he was “grief-stricken” over the accident. Source

I can understand his grief. He made a mistake that cost a man his life, and, I hope, he’s truly sorry. However, he has to answer for what he did, mistake or not. Hopefully this will be a big lesson learned.

17. Flesh-N-Bone-Gun possession.

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Flesh-N-Bone (nee Stanley Howse), of Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, was stopped for a traffic infraction and cops found a gun and some weed in his car. He was charged and is being held on $35K bail.

A rep for the group said, "At this time, all the facts have not been revealed publicly, however I can assure you 100% that Mr. Howse has not walked backwards! We live in a great American country where one is innocent until proven guilty."

What he means by ‘walked backwards’ is that Flesh has had previous run ins with the cops and was recently released from a 7 ½ year bid for assault with a deadly weapon. Source

I know the group is trying to reunite for a new album and tour. Let’s hopehis charges don’t stall the rest of the group’s progress.

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