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Saturday, May 09, 2009

Bey Talks About Jay-Z and her Extensive Wardrobe

Beyonce talked about her hubby in a recent interview with Marie Claire.

“We try to sync our calendars. I started working on my tour a year ago, just to make sure that I had time at home. But, you know, that’s part of it. Any other woman who has to go to work and pick up the kids and make dinner — that’s way harder than what I have to do. At least I can say, ‘I’m taking two weeks off,’ and really take two weeks off.”

She also says that she puts Jay’s face on her nails to keep him close to her. “It’s just a silly thing that makes me smile,” she told the magazine.

She also talked about how her closet is so extensive that she’s turned her old apartment into a giant closet. ‘My wardrobe is big. Put it this way, I’ve turned my old apartment into a closet.

‘I probably get about 15 bags sent to me a month. Armani gave me this croc bag, which was huge – I could only imagine how much that thing cost. It would be so expensive that even I wouldn’t buy it.’There are some bags that are pretty hot. But then I haven’t bought myself a Hermes Birkin bag because I think they are just too expensive.’ Source

I must admit I’m jealous. I could care less about expensive clothes or shoes. EVERYONE knows I’m a target shopping, chuck wearing kind of girl. But my kryptonite is bags. I need to get famous fast so I can get the same kinda treatment.

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