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Saturday, May 09, 2009

Paula Admits she Loved the Pills

Paula Abdul admitted in a recent interview with Ladies’ Home Journal, that she was addicted to pain killers.

She was involved in a car accident in ’92 and a year later in a plane crash, after which she had to have 15 spinal surgeries.

As a result she was dependant on pain meds. "I could have killed myself.”

"Withdrawal – it's the worst thing. I was freezing cold, then sweating hot, then chattering and in so much pain. It was excruciating."
This is interesting because she recently did a television interview denying the abuse of any drugs, prescription or otherwise.
In the piece she’s asked, “So let me just ask you the question straight up. Absolutely crystal clear you have not abused prescription drugs?”

“Never. I’ve never been drunk in my life. I don’t like it. It’s not my thing. Spending money on clothes and shoes that’s another thing. No, no, no, no, no. Will not take those drugs. And you can check my medical records there is nothing like that. I was never on Oxycontin or Vicadin or anything like that. I was on nerve medicine and anti-inflammatories,” said Paula.

It’s OK Paula, we knew you was lyin’ anyway. It’s obvious that there are lingering effects of her pill popping past.

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