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Monday, July 06, 2009

Evan Ross Called His Mom Crying On Set

Evan Ross, son of Diana Ross is said to have called home in tears during the filming of his latest movie ‘Life is Hot in Cracktown.” In the film even plays a violent criminal and the part left him tired and upset.
He explains, "First I called Terrence Howard, who I worked with in Pride, and asked him what he thought, and he told me to follow my instincts with the role, but I didn't grow up with gangster qualities. "There is a scene at the end of the movie where I'm yelling and we did the scene so many times. I had to go to the trailer for a second because I couldn't stop crying and I didn't feel like I could do it again. "I left that day and I called my mom because I live alone now and I don't see her all the time, so I can't just go home. I called her and I told her I was riled up and I needed to calm myself for a second." "She was like, 'Go outside and find light. Go to where the sun is and just breathe.' She gets worried about me when I get into that dark place." Source
Ain’t nothing like the words of ya mama to get you goin. My mama, more of a tough love kinda lady, woulda said, “Lock it up and get back to work! You don’t work, you don’t eat! Got it!” Lord, I love that lady.

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