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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Michael Jackson 1958-2009: Live Coverage of Staples Center Memorial

If you don't have a TV close by please feel free to watch the live feed here. My coworkers and I are sitting in my cube watching the service. It's weird you know, I didn't know Michael, but I affectionaltly referred to him as Uncle Wacko and felt like he was a member of my family. I think that his death has left people enraptured. We're stunned and saddend by the loss of such a great presence. He wasn't perfect...for all men sin and fall short of the glory of God. But he was inarguably an icon.

I can't help to sit here with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes because funerlas, whether they be of loved ones or not, turn me into an emotional basketcase. But moreso, I think that although he accomplished more than most people ever will in a thousand lifetimes, I truly believe he didn't get the opportunity to reach true fulfillment in his personal life.

Michael was and will continue to be a part of our lives. His legacy is unrivaled. He will be missed.

I pray he's finally at peace.

Bon nuit tonton. Domir bien.

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