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Monday, March 31, 2008

Britney Watch 2008

I've decided to only post pics of Brit the way she was for a while. My heart can't really take looking at her now.
1. Brit holds kids hostage. Source
2. Brit goes to the hospital for observation and drug testing.
3. Brit’s results are negative…ergo, she’s just plain crazy. Brit’s kids get taken away.
4. Brit gets out of the hospital, but not before getting paid a visit by Dr. Phil.
5. Brit spends her freedom driving aimlessly around town and hanging out with her paparazzi boyfriend/evil leach Adnan Ghalib.
6. Dr. Phil announces he’s going to do a 1 hour special with the Spears family that will serve as an intervention.
7. Dr. Phil cancels the aforementioned show out of concern for Britney…but it’s really because he’s being slammed by the psychiatric community and being shut down by Papa Spears. Source
8. Britney hits up Palm Springs for the weekend with Adnan.
9. Brit and Adnan play with the paps by walking into a convenience store and purchasing pregnancy a pregnancy test.
10. Brit reportedly takes out a restraining order against Adnan.
11. Brit’s mom goes car shopping with her and Sam Lufti…It doesn’t go well.
12. Brit’s fam stages an intervention resulting her being put on a 72 hour psychiatric lock down at UCLA medical center.
13. Brit’s stay is extended to 14 days.
14. Brit’s house has been robbed. Source
15. Brit’s mom believes Sam Lufti has been drugging Britney and took out a restraining order on him.
16. Brit is released from the hospital against the wishes of her parents and the attending physician.
17. Brit teaches kids in dance class.
18. Brit has to wait a while longer to see her kids.
19. A new music vid is in the works for Brit.
Source20. Sam Lufti has been served a restraining order.Source
21. Brit's boyfriend Adnan may be cheating on her.
22. Brit gets to see her kids.
23. Brit’s acting normal.
24. Brit has a duet with Heidi Montag (The Hills).
25. Britney teaches another dance class.
26. Brit’s going to have to answer to daddy for a few more months.
27. Brit's kids are starting to show effects of all this craziness.
28. Brit’s got a stalker.
29. Brit Gets a Gig.
30. Brit in 2D!
31. Brit gets an allowance.
32. Brit has been offered $4 Mil to lip-sync.
33. Brits got not love for Kabbala.
34. Brit get’s hospital workers canned. .
35. Brit’s first pics on “How I Met Your Mother”.
36. Brit’s opening up a dance studio.
37. Brit’s bro is taking charge of her businesses.
38. Britney on How I met Your mother:
Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4 and Source 5
39.Daddy’s loosening Brit’s leash.
40. Brit’s appearing at the Kids’ Choice Awards?
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Rumors are abuzz that Britney will make an appearance at tomorrow night’s KCAs. Execs at Nick won’t confirm or deny the rumors simply stating, "The show is always full of surprises... You never know who'll show up." Source
I don’t think she’s gonna show…I think its just a ploy to get people to watch. But what do I know?
Update: Brit wasn’t at the Kid’s Choice Awards…as predicted…and for the better.
41. Brit’s getting her own sitcom?
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A Spears insider said, "Britney did a great job on 'How I Met Your Mother.' She got the show its highest ratings yet, but more importantly for Jamie, he wants his daughter at a normal 9-to-5 job to keep her working and out of trouble. A sitcom would do that. So he's exploring several offers for Britney to have her own show." Source
Working all day, five days a week, in front of cameras, and the added pressure of learning lines is normal?I think not! I recommend she try a REAL regular job. She could be an ice cream scooper for Baskin Robbins…it was my first job and it was quite a sweet deal. You get all the ice cream you want and the added incentive of a tip cup. Pretty kick ass if you ask me!
42. Brit gets her coolo warshed out.
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Our friend Brit has been getting her chimney swept on the regular lately. (Oh, by chimney I mean booty hole.) She’s supposedly been getting a colonic cleansing to detox her system. "Cleansing a few times a week gets rid of lingering stuff in the colon. Britney's had the treatment before and says it makes her feel great, more upbeat and energetic." Source
Upbeat and energetic…got it.

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