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Friday, May 02, 2008

Is it Official?!

OK so before I got a chance to quit Mimi for supposedly dating the man child they get engaged and get married. What? Wait! Slow down! Pump your breaks for Pete’s sake!
Ok let’s back up for a bit.
First there were rumors of them dating.
Then there were rumors of an engagement.
Now there are rumors of an actual wedding.
A source close to Mariah confirmed to Access Hollywood that they were definitely engaged. She’s been sporting a giant ring, which coincidentally looks a hell of a lot like the ring that Nick gave to Victoria Secret model Selita Eubanks.
And now word is that Mimi and the man child got married in a small ceremony that was attended by a few close friend including Da Brat. Source
They’ve only been going out like, what? one…two months tops? Well swab me down with a Hello Kitty wash cloth cus I’m done.

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Blogger GqueB said...

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5:56 PM  
Blogger GqueB said...


5:56 PM  
Blogger GqueB said...


I'd kill him for $3 and a trip to the lower east side

5:57 PM  

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