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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Flavor of Love 3: Episode 12 Recap

I had a group outing with work last night so I couldn’t do a full recap. Here’s how it went down: Everyone’s parents came except for Black's. Donna and Steve, Seezinz’s parents Brenda and Paul, Things’s parents Dave, Sinceer’s dad
Thing and her parents, Sinceer and her dad, and Flav go bowling. Seezinz and her parents and Black do mini golf and dinner. Seezinz’s mom admits that Flav is growing on her. Black is looking sad so Flav takes her aside to talk. She talks to him about why her family wasnt there and they share a moment.
Back at the house Thing’s mom tells her that her friendship with Sinceer would soon be over.
They can't continue to be friends and date the same man.

Our favorite Drayton makes an appearance! Hi Mama Flav!
She looks like a mean old cuss.
Anywho, at dinner Sinceer’s dad gets drunk and begins babbling like a fool. He’s making everyone uncomfortable. Flav tries to break the tension by having the girls say something nice about each other. The only thing Sinceer can say about Thing after a bevy of huffs and puffs is that she’s “sincere”. The ladies take some time before elimination to pretty much dog each other out to Flav. Then they have confrontation directly before finding out their fate.
Who’s In?: Sinceer and Thing go at it until Flav stops the cat fight. In the end he picks Sinceer. When Thing goes to say good bye all she can ask is “Why? Why?
I was hoping she'd say something like "I thought we had something spesh-show! Remember, you're the king of my cass-sow!"
But I digress...

Who’s Out?:
Next time we’re off to Paris!

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