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Thursday, September 04, 2008


Criminal Mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick will resign:

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and the region that has followed his legal saga face a world of drama today, with court hearings that could end Kilpatrick’s career, or prolong it indefinitely. As the Free Press reported Sunday, Kilpatrick’s new legal team offered to have Kilpatrick plead guilty to two of eight felonies in the perjury case. The mayor has also agreed to resign, perform 300 hours of community service, give up pension benefits, pay a six-figure restitution and agree not to run for office for two years. Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy has rejected any deal that does not also include 30 to 90 days behind bars. Source

And good riddance! Thanks for setting us back you jerk off!

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