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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Jennifer Talks About Her Engagement

J-Hud talks about how "Punk" (David Otega) from “I Love New York” proposed to her.

"I had no clue at all... We went to the beach during the day and he blindfolded me... and he gave me a purple shovel, because purple's my favorite color... and I had to dig. I ended up digging through all this sand. When I found it, it was like a bunch of beautiful cards... one related to the other, and the last one said, 'Look around, take the moment in, turn around and I have a gift for you." Source

He handed her a shovel, then told her to dig, then get in, then close her eyes and welcome a slow horrible death while he piles dirt on top of her.
Just kidding! Congrats or whatever.

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