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Friday, October 10, 2008

Michelle Rodrigues Holds a Pleasure Toy Hostage

Everyone’s fave lesbian, er, I mean thespian, Michelle “I’ll Mow Your Bush” Rodriguez recently caused a rukus whist fighting with her lady friend. Michelle and a “friend” were staying at the Mayfair Hotel in Coconut Grove, FL and woke guests up when she got into a screaming match with the other woman over being locked out of the room.
One guest said, "I woke up Sunday morning to the sounds of two women yelling, and one of them was smashing the door knocker very loudly. I peeked out and saw it was [Rodriguez]. She's screaming, 'Open up, let me in, bitch!' If you don't open up, you're not getting your [pleasure toy] back." Source
A few questions please:
1. Exactly what kind of pleasure toy was it?
2. Did she leave the room with it and then realize she was locked out? And what the hell did she plan on doing with it out in the hallway?
3. Where did she put it while she was banging on the door? Did she stick it in her pocket…or somewhere else in her pants?
Eww, I just got a picture. Nevermind, I don’t want to know.

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