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Monday, October 20, 2008

National Enquirer Stands Behind JL Pregnancy Story

“The National Enquirer” is sticking to their story that Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant with her secont child. They say that, “After he read about Jamie Lynn’s pregnancy in The Enquirer, Casey told her, ‘You can’t have this baby!’ He was so angry that he threatened to leave her for good,” revealed a source close to the Spears family.
“He never planned to have another baby with Jamie Lynn so soon, and he told her that if she couldn’t tell him something so important, than he didn’t want to be with her anymore. How Lynne Spears found out about the second pregnant:
“Jamie Lynn and her mom were on the phone fighting about her getting back with Casey. Lynne shouted that Casey had humiliated her and cheated on her with girls she knows right under her nose,” said the insider.
“That’s when Jamie Lynn blurted out, ‘I’m having another baby! I will be with Casey forever. We’re a family.”
Shocked, Lynne ordered Jamie Lynn not to tell a soul, even Casey, said the source.
“Then Lynne read Jamie Lynn the riot act about how stupid it was for her to get pregnant again, and Jamie Lynn accused her mom of trying to ruin her relationship with Casey,” said the source.
“But Lynne things Casey got Jamie Lynn pregnant on purpose because he sees her as his meal ticket. Now Lynne is desperately trying to talk Jamie Lynn out of having this baby,” said the source.
Meanwhile, Casey is seething that Lynne advised Jamie Lynn to keep the pregnancy from him, insiders say.
“Casey believes he should have been told about the pregnancy right away. He says he’s tired of Jamie Lynn letting Lynne control her life…
“Now, he and Lynne are openly talking about how much they hate each other.” Source
I love how these “family friends” are always around to tell everybody’s business.

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