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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Aubrey Talks about 'Making of the Band'

Aubrey O’Day recently spoke to about whether or not she’d be on the next season of “Making of the Band”.
She said, “You never know if I'll be involved in the new season, but as of now, no," she told MTV News. "I'd really like to just move past 'Making the Band' and start making my own career. But you never know." "I have love and respect for the entire situation and if I should need to go back and give a little love and respect to 'Making the Band,' then so be it," she said.
She also misses her former bandmates.
"I'm sad," she said. "I think that Danity Kane is an amazing group and I think that we made amazing music. We had great albums. There's always tons that goes on behind the scenes and that's usually the part that matters most.
"There's not much you can do about that situation," she added. "Puff needed to do what's best for him, and so now it's my time to do what's best for me."
On the one hand I feel sorry for her for getting played out by Puff on national Tv. On the other, I still feel like it was all one big publicity stunt. I’m sure we’ll be hearing from Aubrey in the near future.



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