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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Brit's New Single Shocks Parents

Britney has decided to release “If U Seek Amy”, a song who’s lyrics sound like she’s saying something dirty.
In the song, Britney sings "All of the boys and all of the girls are beggin' to, If You Seek Amy" which, when sung quickly, sounds like "F.*.*.K me."
"I was astonished and totally taken aback when I heard my five and seven-year-old-kids walking around the house singing 'f**k'," mother Leona Barsenbach told
"When I asked them what it was, they told me it was Britney Spears. I was horrified.
"I got them the Circus album because little kids are Britney fans, but there was no warning on the album and none of the songs listed had f**k in the title.
"Listening to it, it is extremely blatant and offensive. I feel I have been deceived into believing that this was acceptable content for children but instead it is objectionable." Source
Well that’s not what she says so get over it lady.
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