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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Beyonce Pose

Beyonce’s Yaki 150 set off the alarms at LAX. She was passing through security when the alarms kept going off but as this video unravels, it was her hair that were responsible. Source
Friggin hilarious. On a related note, when coming back from visiting my dad in Louisiana I got stopped at the metal detectors. I was rushing and the plane was taking off in five minutes and they patted me down and used the little metal detector. When they got to my head the thing went crazy. The culprit? I had twisted my hair the night before and forgot to take out my hair pins. My dad was standing there with an irritated face saying, “Lord Jesus! What is wrong with you?!” Thankfully they patted my scalp and made sure I didn’t have a tech-9 in there and let me on the plane.

In other Bey news…
Bey is in a new ad for the House of Dereon Line. She traveled to Bermuda to shoot and narrate this piece. Peep the vid below:


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