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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pammy's ad Gets Scrapped from the Super Bowl

Super Bowl. But and however, the ad has been pulled for being too racy. In the ad women in lingerie are fondling and kissing vegetables in efforts to encourage sports fans to go veggie
NBC Universal vice president of advertising standards, Victoria Morgan, states, "The PETA spot submitted to Advertising Standards depicts a level of sexuality exceeding our standards." But PETA bosses contend, "Studies Show: Vegetarians Have Better Sex", should never have been axed - and they fear there's another reason behind the ban. Group Senior Vice President Lisa Lange says, "PETA designed the commercial to add balance to the traditional onslaught of Super Bowl commercials for meaty, greasy, and factory-farmed fast food, including those run by KFC. The fast-food giant is a major NBC sponsor, and a target of heavy PETA campaigning as a result of its failure to reform cruel animal welfare practices and slaughter methods. "PETA is asking if this relationship could have something to do with NBC's decision to nix the group's ad. "PETA's veggie ads are locked out while ads for fried chicken and burgers are allowed - even though these foods make Americans fat, sick, and boring in bed." PETA spokesman Michael MCGraw adds, "The bottom line is, the ad is a fun, tongue-in cheek way of calling attention to the healthy, sexy, and humane reasons for switching to a vegetarian diet."
Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah…er, shut up.
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