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Friday, February 27, 2009


Barack chats with a McDonald's Worker...

Here’s a vid of the guy who got the opportunity to ask the final answer during a town hall meeting that Obama did in Fort Myers, Fla. Julio Osegueda is a McDonald’s worker who wanted to know how minimum wage workers could get better pay and benefits for tenure. As a result of his mini fame he was able to garner a one day job announcing for the Fort myers Miracle baseball team’s radio broadcast. Peet the vid…this guy’s hilarious. Source
Thanks Toone!

White House Rules…

It doesn’t matter that dad is the leader of the free world. Sasha and Malia Obama still have rules and chores like most little girls.
They clear their own dishes and make their own beds to show them responsibility. Michelle hs even told the staff to not do too much for them.
"People want to make your life easy, and when you have small kids – I've explained this to the staff – they don't need their lives to be easy. They're kids," she says.They can roam the White House as they please though.
"I've tried to encourage them to feel like this whole place is their home," Mrs. Obama tells PEOPLE. "We actually had this conversation – just let us know where you're going." Source
I love this family. They’re so down to earth. And Michelle is doing an awesome job as Mom in Chief.

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