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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Pink is Pissed at Brit

Pink is really pissed off after hearing that Britney will be using elephants in her Circus tour.
A source told the Daily Star: "Pink is really angry at the idea of elephants being carted around on tour, especially with the loud music, lights and craziness that generally ensues on a tour of any kind.
"But she's waiting to see if the rumor about using animals is true and what Britney will be doing with the animals before judging."
The insider explained: "The elephant's trainer was making the elephant kneel on concrete and get up again and Pink went crazy. The trainer told her she enjoyed it but Pink said: 'Oh, so you actually speak to elephants then?'" Source
I hear that the way that real circuses treat elephants is deplorable so I can only imagine what would happen on tour. Plus, that’s an enormous stage prop. Maybe Brit should just let it go. I mean, she already has a magician.

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