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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Update 47-51: Chris Brown Arrested

Update 47: Chris and Rih are working on a duet which may appear on his new album.
A source told E! News, “They’ve been working on it together.” Rihanna’s producer, Adonis Shropshire, recently confirmed the 21-year-old star was back in the studio. “You have to remember, she’s a kid still,” he said. “So with anybody who goes through something in the world, you have to bring yourself out of it so I guess her refuge is her music.” Source
This story is redic. It just keeps getting worse

Update 48: Recently Usher slammed Chris Brown for the attack then quickly recanted his statements. Word is that he was pressured to do so from Chris Brown himself.
A source told the New York Daily News, "Usher was basically forced to issue a retraction. After all of his comments came out, Usher got a call from Chris... Chris got tough with everyone present in that video. He wanted silence from all parties involved.” Chris' spokesperson has said the story is "completely untrue", and now Usher's representative has spoken out. The rep says, "He was not asked or forced (to apologize). Usher issued an apology for the comments made towards all parties mentioned in the clip." Source
Uh huh…something’s fishy here. Then again this whole thing is fishier than an Amsterdam whore.

Update 49:

So the infamous woman connected to the text that started Chriannagate is supposedly none other than CB’s manager Tina Davis. The two have been rumored to be getting it in since Chris was 16 but both have denied it.
The three page text reportedly talked about hooking up later and caused Rihanna to fly off the handle slapping and hitting Chris. He put a kibosh to that with several slams to her dome.
The detective’s affidavit refers to the text message as being “from a woman who Brown had a previous sexual relationship with.”
Tina Davis, who turns 40 this month, couldn’t be reached for comment.
Aye Dios! I can’t.

Update 50:
Diddy and Ellen got into it the other day on her show as to why he let them stay at his crib.
“It’s my house, and I’m allowed to give my house to whoever I want to give my house to,” Diddy said on the show. “I don’t cast a stone – cast judgment on anybody. So, if friends ask me for a favor, then I’m going to be there for a favor as long as I know the energy of the favor is positive.” SOURCE
Well there you have it.

Update 51:
Chris has taken his name out of the ballot for the Kids’ Choice Awards. He was nominated for favorite male singer and favorite song (“Kiss Kiss”)for the show airing on March 28th, but he’s taken his name out. This is despite Nickelodeon’s choice to stand behind him and not remove him as a nominee because of petitions to do so. Source
What would it have meant if he won?

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