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Friday, April 17, 2009

Wanna Ride Terrence Howard's Go Cart?

Terrence Howard is in the new movie “Fighting” with Tatum Channing and in an interview talking about the movie he also revealed some personal things about himself. Spoiler: Go-carts are involved.

Q: What was it like working with Channing?

TH: He reminded me of who I wished I was when I was 21 or 22. He’s in a great position, and he doesn’t carry any of his demons on his skin. It took me a long time to leave the demons inside of a refrigerator someplace and just thaw them out when I need them. He’s managed to do that so early on. He comes to set and he’s so free. He doesn’t have this big bag of badness with him. He’s so great, and I love that about him. I think he’s gonna be one of the most fantastic actors on the planet, by the end of 20 years, of sitting there playing the way he’s playing now, with his fearlessness and the roles that he’s taking. There’s a presence that Channing has.

Q: What drives you, as an actor, to be as intense as you are?

TH: I ride life like it’s a beautiful go-cart. Me and my friends, we’ll get out there and make a go-cart. You spend so much time finding pieces to make the go-cart, and sometimes it don’t work. But then, all of a sudden, you’ve got a go-cart that’s working. And right when you start riding down the hill, your mother calls you and tells you that you gotta come in. The little boy has to stop, right then and there. So, he comes in and he’s angry and sullen in the face. I’m having such a great time in my life right now. I’m making go-carts, you know? And then, when they call me and make me come to work, I walk in there, I slam doors and I do all those things that a little bad kid would do.

Q: Why is acting not your go-cart?

TH: Oh, my God, because there’s other people telling me where I gotta go. It’s not my go-cart any more.

Q: Couldn’t it be?
TH: Not when somebody else is writing the check. You’re in their field. It’s like when you’ve played baseball or basketball at somebody else’s house, where they have all the rules of the court. That’s no fun, whatsoever. Source

Hugs not Drugs, Terrence. Actually, strike that statement. Don’t hug anyone and take EVERY thing the doctor prescribes…you’ve obviously neglected to do that as of late.

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