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Monday, May 18, 2009

"Precious" Post!

Above is the first trailer to be released of the Lee Daniels’ flick “Precious,” originally entitled “Push: Based on the Novel by Sapphire.” The film has been adapted from a novel about a teenage girl living in Harlem and struggling to find her place and a sense of self worth. The film stars Gabby Sidbe, Mo’Nique, Paula Patton, Lenny Kravitz, and Mariah Carey.
Not only do I need to see the movie, but I’m putting the book on my wish list.

In Other 'Precious' news… Mariah Carey was left waiting on the red carpet to promote the movie when another movie screening ran over. Then when she was finally able to join her fellow stars and the director, Lee Daniels, on stage, Lee introduced the movie…tipsy.
Daniels told the assembled crowd, "Je suis fatiguee, (I'm very tired.) I've had too much champagne, so I'm not able to give the speech I spent three weeks preparing.
"I say this movie was made with love, bubble gum, popsicle sticks, everyone on this stage, and grace." Source
Can someone please instruct Mr. Daniels that he hasn’t won the Oscar YET…his unmistakable negrosity is NOT OK. Please and thank you.

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