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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yung Berg Assaults Party Guest

Chelsea Berry is accusing rapper Yung Berg of giving her a black eye. She attended a party at his house with a few of her friends and three of his. She says he threw her in a swimming pool and later in the nigh hit her in the eye when she became jealous after he disappeared into a room with another woman.She tells, "He striked (sic) me with the palm of his hand, like about three times. On my head, on my eye, and I was falling back like, 'What did I do? What did I do? And that's when he told me to leave. Then (his friend) Sincere was like, 'Calm down, I'll give her a ride.'"
She said he drove her a short way then made her get out and smashed her cell phone.She adds, "(We) end up driving all the way up this hill in the middle of nowhere, I had no idea where I was at, and he tells me to get out. I was crying and saying 'I'm gonna get you back. I'm about to call my friends when I get out.' And that's when Berg gets out and comes over to me and says he's sorry, and then he grabs my phone and throws it and my phone (was) completely shattered."
She filed a report but he hasn’t been charged yet. Source
What is wrong with this ignorant little boy?

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