This episode begins with the fellas at breakfast discussing last night's departure of Pretty and the whole New York/Chance/Buddha fiasco.

When New York arrives she once again tries to clear the air and make sure that everyone isn't weirded out. She asks if everyone is still happy there and Buddha remains silent. They go outside for a heart to heart and he tells her that he's disappointed in her and is pulling back on his feelings.
Competion #1
After breakfast New York takes the guys to see Burt Baggett, a Psyche technician and writing expert. He is going to put the guys and New York through a series of three tests to help deduce their compatibility.
Rorschach Test:
When looking at the inkblots most of the guys as well as New York see normal things like: a lamp, a woman, a flower...etc. The Entertainer sees "the devil" in every one of the pictures and all Buddha can say about them is "that looks cool, that's cool, I like that...really cool"
Drawing Test:
The Entertainer's drawings show he's all about himself. Mr. Wise doesn't really offer much of anything. Buddha draws a lock in the block that is supposed to represent him...hmmm.
Handwriting Test:
Tailor Made's handwriting suggests he has unresolved issues with strong women...but at the same time that's what turns him on. Mr. Wise's handwriting shows that he has trust issues and therefore it's hard for people to trust him. Buddha's handwriting shows he has two personalities.
While in the waiting room Buddha starts discussing his acting career and all of the different gig's he's gotten. This pisses off New York because she feels like he's not focusing on her and is only there for camera time. So she asks if appearing on the show is just another one of his jobs. He laughs it off and says "you've got to be kidding me". She, in a dramatic flourish, storms out the room. Buddha goes after her...not cus he wants to. but more out of a sense of obligation. I think he wanted to stay there and continue to talk about his acting accomplishments. Anyway, they go back and forth for about 7 seconds but when New York says she wants to be left alone does just that...leaves her alone. She gets mad cus she feels he should have stayed and fought for her. Whatever.

The Results:
Bart comes out and reveals the results of the tests. He thinks Tailor Made is attracted to strong willed women but fears that once he gets them he'll get bored. He thinks Punk is a hard worker with a high sex drive. but he doesn't trust people and thus masturbates...A LOT. He thinks Mr. Wise is artistic and emotionally unavailable. The Entertainer is narcissistic and will probably fight for the limelight with New York. And finally he sees Buddha as defensive.
The Winner:

The Entertainer wins a single date with New York. At dinner they go to a Moroccan restaurant and discuss his "freaky" ways. He admits to being a freak and says that he can see a freak in New York as well. A belly dancer approaches the table and New York is eager to see him dance with her. For some reason he is totally not into it and damn near pushes the poor girl to the floor to get away from her. He finally does a quick jig with her to shut New York up. They leave and while in the limo he concocts a prank to play on the guys. He wants to stage a fight and pretend to leave. New York laughs but decides that while he's doing the prank she'll be in her room. Meanwhile back at the house the guys are devising a prank of their own. They throw around furniture, turn out the lights and place lit candles everywhere. Knowing that The Entertainer is a fraidy cat and really superstitious they know he'll be scared. When he returns to the house hollerin' and threatening to leave their prank goes right out the window. They all eagerly help him pack and when they get all his stuff outside he yells, "Psyche!" No one knows whats going on. It's the most anticlimactic prank EVER!
New York talks to Buddha again to ease her mind about why he's really there. They seem to hash it out and end it with a hug. While this is going on Tailor Made calls his wife Nancy who says that she was watching BET's Hell Date and saw Buddha on an episode. He quickly tells the guys.

Challenge #2
New York invites her therapist Dr. Allen to lead couple's counseling sessions with the guys.
The Entertainer

When discussing having kids he reveals he'd be ok being a stay at home dad. Stay at home where? His parents basement? This dude just don't wanna work. New York is excited that he's willing to be her "wife". He prefers the term Mr. if that's somehow better.
Mr. Wise
He tries to refute the claims that he's still in love with his ex-girlfriend. But New York reveals to Dr. Allen that not only has he been in contact with her since entering the house but he also listed her as his emergency contact for the show. His only response? "I don't believe in burning bridges." Dummy.
Tailor Made
When asked if New York asked him to get a penis implant to better satisfy her he says "I'll do anything for her"...Dummy.
She wants to be the man in the relationship and wear the pants and he soo obviously doesn't. Dr. Allen says that NY's body likes him...but she doesn't. I concur.
He wants to be cherished for his feelings and she wants to be respected for her mind. Dr. Allen sees a good match. While in his session he reveals to New York what Tailor Made told him about being on Blind Date.
Who's In?
Tailor Made

The Entertainer



Who's Out?
Mr. Wise

Finally!!!! How'd he make it this long? Lo has no idea.
Next Week:
New York meets the parents of the four remaining guys. It looks like a real humdinger. Per usual I shall be watching with rapt attention.
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