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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Ne-Yo is Purifying Himself in Lake Minnetonka

Ne-Yo has discussed starring as ‘The Kid’ in a remake of Purple Rain.
“[I’m] still reading over scripts trying to figure out what’s gonna be the next move. Fox Atomic has another movie in development right now for me that’s kind of going to be along of the lines of a current-day Purple Rain… Like me playing the role of Prince, and then I don’t know who they’re getting for the other roles. But the script is being written for me right now.” Source
This is sacrilegious and I just won't stand for it. If this tomfoolery is allowed to happen I swear on James Brown's sweet bedazzled grave (god rest his soul) that I'll go on a hunger strike. And y'all KNOW how much I loves to eat!

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