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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Biel/Timberlake Post

TMZ has video of Jessica Biel walking across a parking lot looking kinda preggers but it could also be the wind blowing her dress up. In any event we love to speculate about possible weddings and chilluns.
If Jess and JT’s mom are still fighting a new baby might be just the trick to bring them together. Ah, only time will tell.

In Other JT News…
Justin has been shooting short films to promote his clothing line William Rast. In the vids JT plays a character William Rast who’s an outlaw hiding in the woods with his girlfriend. The two tape each other talking about love, their situation, and drop the name William Rast a few times.
Check out the vid below….I’ll give it interesting. We’ll see where it goes.


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