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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Shemar has a Crush on Aniston

Actor, Shemar Moore, was on The Ellen DeGeneres Show promoting the premier of his show “Criminal Minds” and the two got on the topic of the kind of woman he’s interested in.
Ellen asked during the interview session: “Who can I help you with? What is your type?” He said: “There is one particular person in this town that I kind of got a little crush on. A lot of guys got a crush on this girl but she can’t seem to find that man who can get it right and I just want to raise my hand and try. And that’s Ms. Jennifer Aniston.” Source
Hmm…hmmm. Well, ya know, everyone has a right to their tastes and preferences. But I was watching the show, yes I watch Ellen at work, and when she asked him that question, one of the last people I thought he’d say was Jennifer Aniston. Honestly, I could see him saying Al Reynolds before Jennifer Aniston, for obvious reasons of course.
I kid Shemar, I kid.

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