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Friday, January 16, 2009

Oprah Likes Rocks?

Oprah’s Ex, Randolph Cook, has written a book called “The Wizard of O” where he talks about Oprah’s drug use.
National Enquirer got a hold of the book and in it speaks of how “Oprah made a “rock” of cocaine and baking soda in the tube and heated it." He added that “[Oprah] then put the lit torch on the rock, inhaled and held the smoke in her lungs for a long time...We smoked at least a couple of times a week. Sometimes we would smoke up until her limo was waiting to take her to the studio to perform her show…” Oprah didn't deny the story either, back in '95 during one of her episodes she confessed, “In my 20’s, I’d done this drug and I know exactly what you are talking about...It’s my life’s great big secret. It was such a secret because–I realize (with) the public person I have become–if the story ever were revealed, the tabloids would exploit it and what a big issue it would be.” Source
Oh who cares? Celebs hit the crack pipe more than they wipe their own asses. Plus we know chubs here is definitely clean.

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