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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rodman Dines and Dashes

Dennis Rodman is at it again. He went to the Gansevoort South in Miami recently and walked out on a $1,000 bill last week. He did the same thing more recently at restaurant Phillippe at the same hotel.

"He was so wasted he couldn't carry a sentence," said one witness. After consuming $1,500 in dinner and drinks, "Dennis sneaks, or I should say stumbled, out of the restaurant. Then, his friends start leaving . . . until the manager picked up on it and presented the bill to the last three guests at the table."

The last three guests refused to pay the bill and police were called. When popo got there the bill was paid but Dennis was long gone. Source

Can someone please lock this Negro up…it’s the best think for him and the rest of humanity.

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