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Friday, July 31, 2009

Michael Jackson 1958-1009

1. Michael Jackson dies of cardiac arrest. Source

2. Stars react to Michael’s death. Source

3. Mike’s doc missing and wanted for questioning. Source

4. The Game, Chris Brown and Diddy join up for MJ tribute. Source

5. Michael’s Doctor quits his practice. Source

6. Debbie Rowe may get custody of her children with Michael. Source

7. Michael’s autopsy results revealed. Source

8. 911 call details revealed. Source

9. How Michael’s children found out about his death. Source

10. BET Awards 2009 Honor Michael Jackson; Joe and Janet Jackson in attendance. Source

11. Pres. Obama offers his condolences to the Jackson family. Source

12. Neverland could become a shrine. Source

13. Michael’s financials come to light. Source

14. Investigators entered his home to look for clues. Source

15. Mike’s tour rehearsals will probably be released on DVD. Source

16. Ticket holders will receive refund or keep stubs a souvenirs. Source

17. Joe Jackson cut out of Mike’s will.. Source

18. MJ’s children aren’t biologically his. Source

19. Several people commit suicide because of Michael’s death. Source / Source

20. Michael to be possibly displayed in glass coffin. Source

21. Michael’s doctor didn’t call for help because he didn’t know the address. Source

22. Michael will visit Neverland one last time.Source

23. Michael’s dermatologist is wanted for questioning. Source

24. Propofol Diprivan found at Michael’s home. Source

25. Quincy Jones won’t attend MJ’s funeral.Source

26. Michael’s funeral moved. Source

27. Jermaine Jackson talks about his brother on The Today Show.

27. Quincy Jones talks about whether or not Michael wanted to be white. Source

28. The LAPD didn’t secure the scene at his home after he died. Source

29. Details about Michael’s memorial service…ticket info. Source

30. Footage of Michael’s last performance.

31. Michael’s doctor won’t be at the memorial. Source

32. ‘This Is It’ costumers will design Michael’s burial suit. Source

33. Crazy fanatic wants the kids and estate. Source

34. MJ had a malignant lesion removed from his nose just days before his death. Source

35. Michael was planning a duet with son Prince. Source

36. Michael was working on two albums at the time of his death. Source

37. Johnny Depp to play MJ in a biopic. Source

38. Debbie Rowe wants the kids. Source.

39. Michael’s memorabila to be displayed at Neverland.

40. Ticket holders scalping tix to the memorial. Source

41. There has been no contact between Debbie Rowe and the Jackson family. Source

42. A second will has surfaced. Source

43. Stars to perform and speak at memorial confirmed. Source

44. MJ to be laid t rest in $25K casket. Source

45. Michael’s body to be at the Staples Center. Source

46. Pics and quotes from MJ’s memorial. and Source

47. Jackson family shoked that Diana Ross didn’t attend. Source

48. MJ’s final resting place is still in question. Source

49. Jackson’s under fire for letting Paris speak at memorial. Source

50. MJ’s dermatologist admits to donating sperm. Source

51. Michael’s body was transported through an underground tunnel.. Source

52. Detectives are investigating if there was foul play involved in Michael’s death. Source

53. Joe Jackson thinks MJ’s kids have talent. Source

54. Asian Developers to recreate Neverland. Source

55. Custody hearing postponed for Jackson children. Source

56. Inside the private viewing. Source

57. Latoya says Michael was murdered. Source

58. Child Protective Services check up on the Jackson kids. Source

59. Mike’s bodyguards threatened doctors to give him prescription drugs. Source

60. Paris gave her father a trinket in his casket. Source

61. Janet wants custody of Paris, Prince and Blanket. Source

62. Michael’s body has been moved to a secure vault. Source

63. MJ fans pay tribute at London’s O2 Arena. Source

64. Pepsi commercial incident caught on tape. Source

65. Michael thought the world was against him. Source

66. Fan tributes to be buried in a cemetery. Source

67. MJ’s Bros to perform. Source

68. Katherine Jackson Finally begins to mourn. Source

69. MJ Toys to hit shelves this Christmas. Source

70. Neverland to move to Vegas? Source

71. Blanket thinks MJ is on vacation. Source

72. Joe Jackson denies abusing Mike.

73. MJ had another child? Source

74. Janet denies performing at tribute concert to her brother. Source

75. Michael was an artist. Source

76. Rebbie Jackson likely to raise Michael’s three children. Source

77. MJ wanted to play Peter Pan. Source

78. Diddy says MJ wanted to get with Beyonce.

79. Paris Hilton says Michael’s daughter is named after her. Source

80. Katherine is looking for MJ’s stashed money. Source

81. Joe wants the rest of the Jackson five to record a posthumous duet with Michael. Source

82. Michael’s hair to be turned to diamonds?. Source

83. Michael wanted to be knighted? Source

84. Tito is mad at MJ’s enablers.

More Details…

Tito says the Jacksons tried to stage an intervention with Michael to help rid him from all the bad influences he had in his life.

He says, "I think he was encircled by enablers.

"It was always a difficult situation, some people care about their job more than the person's health and wellbeing and I think that's what we experienced, some of the employers, security or whatever, were more concerned about their pay cheques than letting us check on our brother."

He added, "I had no clue what was being done by his personal physician whatsoever. If he is responsible, whoever is responsible, they should be brought to justice. Michael was physically fine as far as I'm concerned, he was strong, he was in good health, he was playing and happy and everything was fine. My brother has always been a thin young man, you know, and that's just the way he was, but he was totally healthy." Source

Oh Tito, we feel your pain. I hope this can be wrapped up so Michael can finally rest and the family can move on from this tragedy.

85. Michael “died three times” in the past year and a half before his final passing.

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A source told National Enquirer magazine: "I know there were at least three instances in the last 18 months where Michael literally died before either doctors or bodyguards were able to bring him back.

"I've heard there were at least two instances in 2008 and both involved prescription drugs. One time they had to pump his stomach and another time do CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).

"Once, after doctors finally managed to wake him up, Michael said he had died and gone to heaven, and it felt good.

"Michael said it was the most exhilarating experience of his life, to have seen how things looked on the other side, then come back to Earth again.

"I'm told there was another time earlier this year when he appeared to flat line. In each incident, his heart stopped." Source

It’s the National Enquirer so you can’t really believe everything they say. But and however, if the toxicology reports and interviews with his doctors and close friends mean anything, he’s definitely been drugging up for some time. So sad.

86. Michael was on a liquid diet.

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Mike’s former nutritionist Cherilyn Lee says that for months leading up to his death, Michael wason a liquid based diet.

She told E!: "His whole thing was that he didn't really want to eat food. He loved caffeine-laced drinks. He also loved trail mix, and once a month he had to have fried chicken."

She explained: "When I met him, he said, 'Well, you know I'm feeling tired. I'm getting ready for the concerts. I would love to have as much energy as possible, so what can I do with my diet and nutrition?'

"I put him on a diet of juice and smoothies to meet the needs of a couple things that were slightly out of bounds." Source

So fried chicken doesn’t count as food? Cherilyn maybe you should have given the man more then smoothies to get by. Jeez!

87. Katherine will keep the kids.

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Grandma Katie’s lawyer, L. Londell McMillan told the Early show that an agreement has been reached an the kids will remain with Katherine.

“It's an agreement, an agreement for the best interests of the children. This is not a money deal. This is not about money. … There is no situation better for these children than for them to be raised and reared in the loving care of Mrs. Katherine Jackson." Source

Good. Now if only we could get Joe to go away…

88. Joe confirms Omer Bhatti is Michael’s child.

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There have been rumors that Omer Bhatti was Michael Jackson’s son for years now, but the rumors became most prevalent after Bhatti sat in the front row at Michael’s memorial with the rest of the Jackson clan.

Well in the above interview when Joe’s asked if he knew anything about another child he replied, “Yes, I knew he had another son. Yes, I did. He looks like a Jackson, he acts like a Jackson, he can dance like a Jackson…this boy is a fantastic dancer.” Source

The snake is at it again. No really, get him a muzzle or something.

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