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Friday, December 21, 2007

You Want Me to Push it Out of WHERE?!

According to the Daily Mail Xtina is saying 'hell to the no' to having a natural birth. She’s already scheduled her c-section for January 10th. She’s facing a little bit of criticism for choosing to have a c-section instead of pushing the baby out because the c-section isn’t for medical reasons but supposedly cus she doesn’t want to deal with the pain of a vaginal birth. Source
Whatever! Tina, do you! Why push and scream and sweat and curse for hours when you don’t have to? When I have kids I hope I’m rich enough to have a planned c-section followed immediately by a tummy tuck and breast lift. I can just see it now. Lo’s on the table screaming: "No nurse I don’t need to hold the baby right this second! Clean it off for Pete’s sake! And can someone fire up the lipo machine please?! Let’s get choppin’ folks! I’ve got a spa treatment at 6pm and I simply can’t miss it! Move it! Move it! Move it! "

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