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Friday, January 11, 2008

Let's Enroll That Kid in Alateen Now!

So I told y’all how Amy was recently off in the isles with her ex havin’ a grand ol’ time, right? Well her hubby found out about it and apparently tried to hurt himself. His cell-mate wrote in his diary: “What Blake wants is not fame or a drug-fueled mess of a life. He wants a happy life with his wife. He is missing her like crazy. He breaks down in tears - he is falling apart. After spending four days in solitary he went mad and had to be treated to cuts to his arm. He is doing his best to survive without Amy but admits it’s the hardest thing he has ever done.” Showbiz Spy
But don’t fret friends. They’ll be together forever. These two plan on having a kid as soon as possible. An insider said:
‘She told Blake she wants to get pregnant as soon as she can,’ an insider tells the Sunday People. She reckons it would pull them together as a family and help them focus their lives on something positive. It sounds like a crazy idea, but on the other hand it could be the thing that adds stability to her life." Now Magazine
Just thinking about them having a kid reminds me of that scene from Nip/Tuck of Matt and Kimber freebasin’ while their daughter is screaming at the top of her lungs and inhaling meth fumes. Ironically Amy’s song Rehab is playing. Ha! Wait, that’s not funny.

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