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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Countdown to the Best Day of the Year: 5 Days to Go!

5 Days and counting to my born day.
I've decided that I don't like the number 27 all that much so instead of turning 27 I shall turn 21 this year...and every year there after! (I'm really 7 and three quarters at heart.) I'm celebrating my burfday the 17th through the 20th. "Why?" you ask. Well, because I don't get paid til the 15th and because the 20th is MLK day and I'll have a three day weekend. So plans thus far, are as follows:

Friday at midnight I'm going to see Cloverfield. It feels like we've been waiting for this movie for years, no?

Saturday I plan on hitting up some the local bounce and giggle house of exotic dance. I'm not sure which one I wanna go to so suggestions are welcome. (Please exclude Heart Breakers in Bloomfield guys. We got thrown out on Rhonda's b-day a few years ago and I'd rather not relive that.)

Sunday (depending on how Saturday goes) I may hit up the skatin' rink. I need to brush up on my sweet moves. I'm still perfecting my triple Axel. (If anyone can find me a pair of gold skates I'd love you forever!)

Monday shall be a day of rest, relaxation, reflection, and picture printing. Yea, my boo got me a printer for my digital camera. He loves me, I know.

In other born day news:

Baby Alanah is not here yet. The Great Reverend Doctor drove Yo-Yo two hours to the military hospital (she's a major in the army) only to be sent back home. I'm sure Alanah thought that was pretty darn funny. I can tell already that she is going to be quite the trickster. She's DEFINATELY a Poullard. So, we all wait...



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