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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

When He Said He Was Going to Eat His Girlfriend...

...who knew he meant REALLY eat her. This past Saturday a Texas man, Christopher Lee McCuin, called 911 and explained to the operator what he had done…and was about to do. When cops showed up at his house they found a human hear boiling in a pot on the stove along with a chuck of flesh on a plate impaled with a fork. The body parts belonged to McCuin’s girlfriend.

Police believe there was a series of violent acts that lead up to the 911 call. Friday night he picked up his girlfriend Jana Shearer and killed her. Then drove to his estranged wife’s house where he stabbed her boyfriend. The police were called but he escaped. Saturday morning he went home, told his mother what he did, and then called her into the garage so she could see what he had done. His mom and her boyfriend fled the premises after seeing the remains of Jana and flagged down the cops. Meanwhile , McCuin was inside calling 911 to tell them that he had killed his girlfriend and was boiling her body parts. It isn't clear if he actually ate any of Jana yet.

And they say black people don’t do stuff like this. This nigga right here is certified. But Lo (being the weirdo she is) wonders, like do cannibals season their victims? I mean, especially cus he was black I would expect traces of Lawry's and/or hot sauce to be found somewhere on that girl's flesh.



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