The show opens with host Lala recapping the show's ups and downs and introducing the ladies as well as Flav's niece and mom who were in the audience. Flav comes out and Lala asks if he thinks they were the craziest girls. He says no, actually they were the nicest. Flav then stands and says something about all the girls looking so different and says that he decided to make a change of his own. He whips off the crown and wave cap and voila!

No hair!
They go back to the night of the Flavorette roast and bring back Sommore to talk to some of the girls (be mindful that it seems like she only talks to Ice but the other interviews she did were cut out). Ice comes up and basically reiterates that she still thinks Flav is ugly and would never get with him.

He says "Yea she's real and the show wasn't for her...that's why she got illiminated."
Apparently being on the show hasn’t helped her radio career cus she’s still working at Hooters. But at least her tips are better.

It’s time for a Shy recap. Grab your tic tacs!
She says that being on the show has hurt her career. She cant get casting calls cus people know her for her stank breath. She still hasn’t had any work done on her teeth. But the one positive thing that has come from it is her chance to talk to schools about sarcodosis (her mother died from it).

Prancer skates up (yes she's wearing the infamous skates) to speak. But she pretty much sits there weeping as Shy talks about the disease. Excuse me I need to call my mama.

Hotlanta recap time! Grab a glass of champagne, or wine, or Cisco (something tells me she doesn't discriminate). She says that she drank cus she was on vacation. She didn’t have to wake up to get her kids off to school and there was nothing else to do. She talks about being called out at the feux wedding ceremony and Flav not defending her. She leaves the stage giving Flav a handshake.

Sinceer time! It’s like an AA meeting!
Her flashback pretty much shows all the conniving she’s been doing all season. She’s been trying to down the other girls instead of get to know Flav. In response to the drinking she did on the show she says, "When I party I party. I don’t wanna get halfway faded. I want the whole shebang." Then when asked about the fight she had with Bunz (the one where Bunz said "yo mama!" and she retorted with "yo mama dead" not knowing Bunz's mama was a quadriplegic or something) she refused to apologize.

This erupts into another fight. At which point we find out that Sinceer has two kids at home. Hold up! How is all these bitches just leavin' dey damn kids at home to chase after Flav and his non existent money? Stop droppin' yo kids off at gram-ma and nay-nay house! Shoot. Anyway she calms down to shed a few crocodile tears over loosing Flav and someone calls her on it.

What happens? She starts singing the “Shut the fuck up!” remix. Yea…
Onto the Sinceer/Seezinz Beef…

Seezinz comes up on stage and they’re immediately fighting. It almost comes to blows…but doesn’t (so disappointing). Flav breaks it up and tells them hoes to SIT DOWN.

Black may have come into the house late but she certainly made waves. Anywho, she comes up and explains her quietness at the final elimination. She says that she’s shy and it’s hard for her to express her feelings. She says that she shared her feelings with Flav off camera.

They show Round Thing in the audience and she's lost weight. In fact, I don't think I can really tell her and Stick Thing apart anymore.
But I digress. Stick Thing, the winner of Flavor of Love 3, comes out. When Lala asks Flav where they are now he starts talking about his youngest son Karma and the importance of family. He realized that the best gift you can give to a child is to love their mother. So in a weird twist of fate he declares that instead of trying to get with Stick Thing he's going to try to make things work with Karma's mother Liz.
He brings Karma and Liz out. PS-both karma and Liz are beautiful. He says he had her in front of him the whole time. He turns to Liz and says something about not wanting anyone but her. The he hops down on one knee and asks her, “Will you marry me?”
Before saying yes, she says “finally” in a completely unaffected voice.
The end!
I'll get a break from recapping for a while...I haven't decided if I have the energy to recap the new show "I Love Money" just yet. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
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