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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

O.J. Get's Beat Up By His Daughter

O.J. Simpson’s daughter Arnelle reportedly ended up molly wopping him during an argument the two had over his girlfriend Christie.
Cops rushed to the Florida home of O.J. Simpson after his eldest daughter knocked him to the ground in a brawl over his girlfriend Christie Prody, sources said. “Arnelle had a fight with Christie over Christie’s behavior. That’s what started the whole thing. Christie has some problems with drinking, and Arnelle got mad. O.J. said ‘Don’t talk to her like that,’ and Arnelle pushed him.”
He suffered a cut on the back of his head and a cut lip. After realizing what she had done, Arnelle called 911 and admitted what she had done. Source
I guess O.J.'s no longer in prime slashing and killing shape any more. I wish I would try to push the Great Reverend Doctor. That man is blessed by Omnipotent Pyrotechnics and Would send me to meet my maker without laying a finger on me.
On another note, am I the only one who remembers Arnelle's big shining moment in R. Kelly's "You Remind Me" video? Click here for the vid.
She's the shortie at 1:20 and beyond sitting at the table bopping her head.

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