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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Michael Lohan's Douchery Continues

Michael Lohan recently did an interview with X17 where he airs his issues with Lindsay’s girlfriend Samantha Ronson. It went a little something like this.

X17: Why is Samantha bad for Lindsay? ML: She’s feeding Lindsay alcohol behind the scenes, but that’s really Lindsay’s fault for taking it — it’s not about drugs or alcohol. A person can be a drug and Sam is a drug. She’s very controlling and manipulative and it’s not a healthy relationship for Lindsay…

X17: What do you say about accusations from the media that you’re attacking Sam simply don’t like what has been portrayed as Lindsay’s gay relationship with her?
ML: That’s not the reason at all. Lindsay is fragile and Sam takes advantage of her and the relationship is too intense and too dramatic. Sam and Dina are probably the two worst people Lindsay could be around right now … along with her friend Patrick I mean, look at Sam … does she have an identity crisis or what? I mean, the way she carries herself, the way she dresses; she’s a slob. As long as Sam’s in Lindsay’s life, Lindsay will never be able to reach the potential God gave her.

X17: The media have commented that Lindsay looks better; she looks healthy; she doesn’t appear to be drinking or doing drugs; she showed up to work on time for “Labor Pains.” By all accounts, she seems to be doing well. What are her problems or issues right now?
ML: It’s not about Sam giving Lindsay drugs or alcohol or anything — there are prescription drugs from doctors — psychotropic drugs, antidepressants — that have a serious effect on a person. And I would like to put that out there. These things can mess with a person’s mind. I see some parallels between Britney and Lindsay — the instability, the domineering companion. Lindsay’s not in the state that Britney was or is, but there are minor similarities. Just because a person’s not abusing drugs or alcohol doesn’t mean they’re healthy. And Lindsay being with Sam is making matters worse. I would sacrifice my own life to get Sam out of Lindsay’s. Source
Lindsay’s response:
“He’s out of control,” she told Access from the set of “Ugly Betty,” where she’s filming several guest appearances for the ABC show’s third season. “I want him to stop hurting and talking to the media about the people I love,” she said. Source

Samantha’s response via her Myspace page:
i really don’t want to say anything because i feel like he wins- he, being the man who is so desperate for attention that he goes to the media whenever possible- i know i am being used, i am just a pawn- easy to sacrifice in order to feed his addiction. I was angry when i first read his attack on me, but- for me- i believe that actions speak louder than words… so now i just pity him- i am not standing in his way- i am not the reason that he has no contact with his daughter- he is- his need to throw a tantrum for the whole world to hear is- i am not going to go into a play by play defense- i feel no need to publicly defend my role in Lindsay’s life- i’m just sorry that she likes me more than him.
p.s. i’m not the one that is so lost that i need to use my relationship with Lindsay to earn a living…. i am, always will and always have been here for her for her- not for anything else….so I think it’s safe to say that there is not now and never will be a tell all….. written by me….. when does your book come out Mr. Lohan? Source

I could see if he were truly a concerned parent but he's a lecherous parasite. Seriously, he needs to leave those girls alone.

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