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Monday, October 20, 2008

Dawn Thinks Aubrey Deserved It

Dawn of Danity Kane spoke to Us magazine about Aubrey and D. Woods departure from the group.
“Puff (Diddy) did not like (O’Day’s) image… (or) where her image was going for the group.” However, Dawn claims that she is still shocked by Diddy’s decision to let Aubrey and D. Woods go, but suggests that Aubrey basically got what was coming to her when she decided to “slut it up” on the cover of Complex. She adds, “We had just did a signing with Dollhouse Teen, which is for 13, 14-year-old young girls. We can’t do that one day and then the next day do an obnoxious cover. He (Diddy) wants the fans, and he says he can’t do that if we can continue to go in the direction that we were going. Puff told me specifically that Aubrey is no longer in Danity Kane and Danity Kane will move forward without her”.
As far as a Making of the Band 5 Dawn says,
“He has not said anything per that. But I think in my heart that he is gonna do another show”.
Tehn when she was at the Hennessy Artistry Finally Party she was asked about how she felt about Aubrey getting booted and she said, “She completely deserved it!”
Damn! Ouch! It’s one thing to not be friends anymore, but I think resorting to public stabs at each other is a bit much. On the flip side of things, thanks for staying relevant Dawn! You just gave us bloggers something to write about.

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